Flashback to the turn of the millennium, when this programmer pilot fish is hired to help out with a factory's custom shop-floor applications. "There was one Visual Basic 6 application, written by an engineer named Barney who had left the company, t…
Torrentz.eu, the world’s biggest torrent site has mysteriously closed down
Popular torrent searche engine, Torrentz.eu has been abruptly taken offline.The site was the world’s most visited search engine for finding torrents and pirated content.Early on Friday, users began posting on Reddit and Twitter that the welcome text…
Impact of GST on tech, e-commerce & telecom sectors
Source ET GST will turn India into one common market, leading to greater ease of doing business and big savings in logistics costs from companies across all sectors. Some companies will gain more as the GST rate will be lower than the current tax ra…
Google has a new code to fight piracy
Source ET NEW DELHI: Dealing with piracy and copyright issues in the digital world is tricky business, but Google claims to have figured out a workable formula with its YouTube focused ContentID for audio and video, even as visual artwork still rema…
List of Entrance Exams after Graduation
Are you a graduate and puzzled which field of career to choose? well , here we bring you a list of few of the competitive entrance exams for Post Graduate courses and government/ non-government jobs that you are eligible for and can be attempted for…
List of CAT 2016 Participating Institutes|Non IIM Management Institutes inviting applications on CAT score basis
The scores of CAT 2016 will be accepted by 20 Indian institutes of Management (IIMs) and more than 100 Business schools across India. The CAT 2016 notification has been released on July 31, 2016 by Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. As per t…